
Under a minute? Are you kidding me ! 

Short calls are very frustrating  for us girls. We get paid nothing for the first minute , so if I had 6 consecutive calls under a minute, God forbid, I’d be climbing the walls , but in saying that it can be quite amusing 

Ring Ring 

“Hello , who am I speaking too?”

“Hello it’s Tony, could you give Emily a message for me?”

“I’m sorry Tony I’m not in an office with other girls, we work from home ”

“Oh. So where’s Emily then?”

“I can only assume she is in her own home ”

“Damn it, so you can’t get a message to her then ?” 

“No Tony , I can’t ” 

“Ok “. Click, charming ! 

Ring Ring 

“Hello Yvonne . We got cut off, it’s Steve, I’ve got the whipped cream , the funnel and the latex gloves you asked for”

“Erm , that’s nice Steve but this is Sofia ”

“Oh bollocks ” click 

Ring Ring 

“Hello, who am I speaking too?”

“Hello Sofia, it’s Jeremy . I’m just phoning to see if your on tonight ?”

“Yes Jeremy , I’m on every night ”

“Jolly good, I’ll try and keep it up till later then”


Ring Ring 

“Hello , who am I speaking to?”

“It’s John Sofia , we spoke about a month ago , remember ?”

I get hundreds of calls a week 

” Um yes John , of course I remember . What can I do for you?”

“well, just wanted to let you know , that bread poltice worked a treat , it’s totaly cleared up , hardly left a mark ”

” That’s wonderful , I’m so pleased”

” Bye then Sofia.”

“Bye John”   Bread poltice? What the fuck was that about ! 

Then there’s even shorter ones 

Ring Ring 

“Hello , who am I speaking too?”

“Hi it’s Ian, my dicks hard . Can you be my mummy?”

” No, I bloody well can’t” click 

Ring Ring 

” Hello  , who am I speaking too?”

” Hello, it’s Jake ”

” What can I do for you Jake?”

“I’m gonna tie you down and get 10 men to gang rape you ”

 ” Fuck off Jake ” click 

Hmm ! Short but not so sweet huh! 


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